
開悟覺醒,其實並不是高不可攀。因為 ”道不遠人” ”天堂地獄只在一念之間”,
只要 ”放下妄想執著” 打開 ”眾妙之門” ”道不用修,但莫汙染”,即可,即成。
當然,朋友們也完全可以走 “時時常擦拭,不使惹塵埃” 的開悟道路。

到那裏去找針對個人的迷惑,修道可以指點的老師 ?


怎樣在現實世界的家庭,工作,人際關係,生活中獲得成就和自由 ?
離開共修團體課程後,在現實生活中問題依然出現時,到哪裡尋求指點和解答 ?
秉持 ”有教無類” “因人施教” “終身服務”的精神,根據每個人生命課題,量身打造的身心靈全方位研習。


陳福蔭 老師

陳福蔭 老師,於1970年代中期開始修道,歷經20年在1996年開悟見性,開啟了弘揚名為“生命智慧”的傳道工作

Wisdom of Life


( 1 ) One universal truth is that each individual born into this world has their most suitable role, and the undertaking to complete the mission of this role. The only disparity between one person and another is whether each individual can realize their respective role and corresponding mission or not. The individual who can realize, and is completing their role and mission wholeheartedly, is clear of mind, joyfully and happily taking their life’s path with simplicity; on the contrary, those who have not realized their role and mission are in the life condition of helplessness, puzzlement, confusion and anxiousness.( 2 ) Using this viewpoint to carefully examine human history, one will discover that only a few people truly obtain freedom throughout mankind. Those include the great thinkers, philosophers, religionists, scientists, artists and so forth, as well as those who settle on their role in contentment; however, the majority have failed to live up to the universe and the gracious gift from this real world shaped by the universe. They have wasted their lives, and their journey in this world has ended in vain. Currently, we live in this information age of globalization. Each individual can obtain information and make their life choice equally, worldwide. However, it is everybody’s life subject as to how we should use the complete achievements of civilization in the natural and social sciences, philosophy, humanities and technology as tools to serve ourselves. Therefore, we see many people who have physical disease as well as psychological disease, and the majority are in an unhealthy condition. Those who are in conditions of mental and physical ill health, and who are unclear about their role and mission, are actually in many posts acting out unqualified and incompetent roles. How can these people not set shackles for themselves? How can they not place themselves in a difficult position? How can these people not make all sorts of problems for society?



聯絡人: 陳以勲Email: [email protected]